Monday, June 8, 2009

iPhone Art: Big Winner

A co-worker of Rand's celebrated a birthday this past weekend. She and another friend went to a local casino, to blow a maximum $100. She ended up winning around $900 on a slot machine. Rand asked if I would commemorate it as iPhone Art so he could print it into a birthday card for her.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

iPhone Art: Polka Dot

A woman across the aisle on my flight home from Dallas.
May 2009.

iPhone Art: New & Improved??

Aha! Did you notice a new color. I downloaded a different app that has more colors. I will play with it and see if I like it as well as my SimpleDraw. june2009

iPhone Art: Trumpet

We were watching a PBS show featuring Botti - a great trumpet man. June 2009

iPhone Art: Feigh Top O'the World

At the same agility trial, Feigh decides she likes the view. It is hard to coax her down.

May 2009.

iPhone Art: Drew bales off

At a recent agility trial Drew blew a QQ or 2Q or 'double q' by baling off the A-frame too while in the blue. May2009

iPhone Art: Rand's favorite drink

Care to make any guesses what it might be?

iPhone Art: UglyBetty 2

This was inspired by the character who fell out of the window on the season finale. She had these huge glasses - of which I do not do justice in this picture.

iPhone Art: LeBron

This is Rand's favorite. He chuckles every time he sees it. My inspiration was after watching the Cavs lose in the semi finals and seeing how sad LeBron looked. I was rooting for them. :O(

iPhone Art: Ugly Betty

While watching Ugly Betty I was struck by Judith Light and her headpeice. So, I drew it.
May 2009

iPhone Art: Cori

This is my niece Cori. I recently attended her wedding in Dallas.

May 2009

iPhone Art: Roman Nose

For some reason I really like this one and currently use it as my iPhone screensaver.


iPhone Art: Marlboro Man


iPhone Art: Red Mirror


iPhone Art: Blue Basenji2

SimpleDraw only has 4 colors (5 if you count the eraser).


iPhone Art: Blue Basenji

My first attempt at iPhone app - SimpleDraw.
